Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Indian prime minister makes state visit to Washington

President Obama will welcome Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for an official state visit Tuesday. The two leaders will discuss a range of global, regional and bilateral issues, the White House said. Those discussions are likely to center on Afghanistan, climate change and nuclear energy cooperation. Singh has been quoted as saying that a Taliban victory in Afghanistan would be disastrous for Central and South Asia. Singh's visit will be the first state visit hosted by the administration, the highest honor extended to a foreign dignitary. It will be Singh's second visit to Washington; he has also met with former President George W. Bush. Grammy- and Oscar-award-winning singer and actress Jennifer Hudson will entertain the black-tie crowd, several sources involved in the planning outside the administration said.

I agree with what Obama is doing with our nation. Opening up his doors to foreign officials will eventually lead to better relations and hopefully change the world one person at a time. Obama targetsthe leaders of this world who can make a difference in this world and in our economy and he will eventually make this country a better place.

Article found at.

Medical Issues

Issue Number 1
Comprehensive Verse Incremental Health care Reform

Most people who would agree with the government taking care of health care make the argument for equality and say that the government would be able to keep a high standard of care while reducing cost where ever they can. Others say that by having competition in the market people keep costs low and production high. This competition is seen by some people as a better thing than the government taking control.

I like the health care system the way it is and would disagree with changing it. The ability of our health care system to grow and take punishment is very great with independent parties controlling it. If we are going to reform the care it would take many many tax dollars to do and the overall effect would be detrimental.

#2 Issue

#3 Issue

Afghanistan! Decisions Decisions.

After a rigerous final meeting Obama has said they are very close to coming to a final decision. The U.S. commander on the ground has asked for more troops and Republicans have criticized Obama for the drawn-out consideration process. The White House has defended its timetable, saying the president wants to get the decision right, not fast. Monday's meeting, which ended at 10 p.m., included Vice President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, Afghanistan commanding Gen. Stanley McChrystal, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry and other senior officials. Obama pushed for revisions in proposed plans for troop increases to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government.

I think we shouldn't send more troops to Afghanistan. This would only cause more hatred toward the U.S. On top of that we already have enough debt from this war. Cut the losses and lets just get out of there while we can.

Article found at.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Murders of a Few Enrage the Masses

Ohio home of a convicted rapist had been turned into a tomb holding at least 10 bodies."I like to believe there is nothing else more there, but we will not know until we finish the search," said Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath. "It appears that this man had an insatiable appetite that he had to fill."
Authorities charged Sowell, 50, with five counts of aggravated murder Tuesday afternoon, police said. He was also charged with rape, felonious assault and kidnapping, police said. His arraignment is scheduled for Wednesday morning. The first six bodies found last week were all African-American women and five of them had been strangled, McGrath said.

This is appalling. This man was convicted of raping some people only 15 or so years ago and when released they didn't keep any sort of tabs on his activities until some lady said she was raped by him(which isn't confirmed) but it was what was needed to raise the alarm.
This man is sick and twisted and should be put away for a very long time. Having ten bodies in his home and counting his activities warrant the worst punishment his state can deal out to him.
The community around these rapes and murders are furious with rage, may Sowell's soul be saved by some higher power... Because no one else in this world is with him. That's what you get for being a murdering rapist though.