Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pakistinians and Explosives: Death On Four Wheels

A Car packed with explosives was detonated near a shopping complex killing 90 and wounding 200. It is the deadliest attack to date that has been carried out in Peshawar and this is the second attack this month made on the city. Meanwhile the government is trying to use its military might to but down the regime of constantly growing terrorists. And being the helpful country we are, we are going to fund another war with 7.5billion over 5years.

Why? Look at our situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, look at all of the other wars we have fought. Once we give assistance to a side it just becomes a war of super powers backing the little nations till one emerges on top. This isn't the way to solve the problem. Open negotiations, talk to these people, talk to their leaders, and appeal to their other senses. Only once all else has failed should we start using our economical and military might to shut down installations.

Original Article Summary found at:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Social Insecurity

"War Dollars" as discussed on Steve's blog.
"Spending what we can afford" as discussed on Tim's blog.
And "Social Insecurity" which will be discussed here.
Are all very important factors in our growing deficit and debt. Currently at around twelve trillion dollars and growing at a rate of one and a half trillion a year the national debt has become a staggering monster hiding in the closet of every American man, woman, and, especially, child.

Social Security is a major issue in today's society because of the way it has been set up in the past. When it was created it made sense, in the process of its creation it reduced the unemployment rate of senior citizens from 50% to 10% in a matter of a couple decades. But, now as the baby boomers approach their retirement age and over one fourth of the country is going to be collecting social security the program suffers major short comings in its budgeting. The governments spending on this issue was doing just fine until congress stuck its nose into it and started to withdraw money in the form of IOUs which we all know can't be paid off if 12trillion is being tied up already. Good luck getting your social security on time... Or at all.
Social Security is a death trap or if not death certainly a trap in which starving to death is a great possibility. The positive side is that if we take the time now to fix the flawed system we have created it might get better and possibly, we will be able to get our social security benefits that we are paying into right now. I agree with raising the retirement age in the nation because truly we are a healthier long living country than we were 50 years ago. Also if this were to happen then more money would be coming in while people are working and this money taken in can be returned to the payers! Wow, what a system, you pay now and receive later, the amount people pay in should be the amount they receive out of they system. It isn't hard to add and subtract and when you look at someone's earnings in the end it should equal their spending. The concept isn;t hard to grasp and eventually congress will get it.

Image found at Site.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Distracted Driving: The Death of a Lifestyle

When a young man's mother is killed from a distracted driver who hit her going 50 he made his stand. Over 250 politicians showed up on the occasion to hear him speak. Another girl's mother was hit when a driver on a cell phone, having a conversation, ran a red light and slammed into the side of her car killing the mother on impact and traumatizing her forever. Drivers that use hand held devices have four times the chance of getting in a crash as other drivers and when you take into account these people kill over 6,000 others a year it is easy to see why the police are starting to crack down on them.
New laws are being enacted to cut funding from states that do not support a no texting while driving law and while these are strict and unfair (as even people driving and talking are at a major disadvantage compared to those that just drive) they are necessary for the safety of everyone.
"Safety is our No. 1 priority at DOT, and we're going to coordinate these efforts along with a lot of other people," [LaHood] said. Many people who aren't killed on impact still go through many hours of physical therapy and those that are lucky enough to make it out unscathed still have to live with the reality that they have caused massive damage.

In my opinion texting while driving, talking while driving, messing with i pods, eating, putting on cosmetics, and everything else should be stopped immediately while driving. The reality... People are people and unless there is a force large enough to stop them or incentive enough to deter them they will continue their bad habits.
It is not our fault that we don;t see the long term effect of such small actions. We are HUMAN and thus have human faults. The best the state can do to protect us from ourselves is prosecute when they can.
Life and Death are in the hands of everyone in this world. It ultimately comes down to the person who is in control to make the decision and nothing has or ever will change that.