Thursday, October 1, 2009

Distracted Driving: The Death of a Lifestyle

When a young man's mother is killed from a distracted driver who hit her going 50 he made his stand. Over 250 politicians showed up on the occasion to hear him speak. Another girl's mother was hit when a driver on a cell phone, having a conversation, ran a red light and slammed into the side of her car killing the mother on impact and traumatizing her forever. Drivers that use hand held devices have four times the chance of getting in a crash as other drivers and when you take into account these people kill over 6,000 others a year it is easy to see why the police are starting to crack down on them.
New laws are being enacted to cut funding from states that do not support a no texting while driving law and while these are strict and unfair (as even people driving and talking are at a major disadvantage compared to those that just drive) they are necessary for the safety of everyone.
"Safety is our No. 1 priority at DOT, and we're going to coordinate these efforts along with a lot of other people," [LaHood] said. Many people who aren't killed on impact still go through many hours of physical therapy and those that are lucky enough to make it out unscathed still have to live with the reality that they have caused massive damage.

In my opinion texting while driving, talking while driving, messing with i pods, eating, putting on cosmetics, and everything else should be stopped immediately while driving. The reality... People are people and unless there is a force large enough to stop them or incentive enough to deter them they will continue their bad habits.
It is not our fault that we don;t see the long term effect of such small actions. We are HUMAN and thus have human faults. The best the state can do to protect us from ourselves is prosecute when they can.
Life and Death are in the hands of everyone in this world. It ultimately comes down to the person who is in control to make the decision and nothing has or ever will change that.

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