Friday, December 11, 2009

Sanctions Against Iran

Secretary Robert Gates said he expects Iran to face "significant" new sanctions over its nuclear program. Gates held a town hall meeting with about 300 soldiers and airmen in Kirkuk. He arrived in the country Thursday after a two-day trip to Afghanistan. At the meeting, Gates discussed Iran's nuclear program.
"I think you are going to see some significant additional sanctions imposed by the international community," he told the troops.
His comments came a day after the United States and other envoys warned that Iran faced tougher sanctions if it did not comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions. The envoys slammed Iran for transporting arms and ammunition to Syria, saying the clock is ticking for the Islamic republic.
"Patience is running out," said Mark Lyall-Grant, the British ambassador to the United Nations. "If there is no change of approach, then clearly the Security Council will need to look again at further sanctions against Iran in the new year."
Iran shocked the world in September with the revelation of a nuclear facility it had been building secretly in the holy city of Qom. Since then, it has allowed inspectors from the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency to visit the plant.

Well, this article poses the same threat we've been dealing with for about 50 years now. Nuclear weapons. And the thing is this will not go away, today it is Iran, tommorow, who knows?
The one thing we can be certain of is for the U.S. to maintain its grip on the world politically, economicly, and power wise we will do anything we can to keep the smaller countries from creating nuclear devices that would endanger our status as the head hancho in the world.
Regulations are never bad but when they impose on the rights of a nation watchout, there will be feedback, and it isn't always pretty.


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